Cruwys Morchard

Cruwys Morchard ParishHall
EX16 8LD
Cruwys Morchard Parish Hall is a Registered Charity, no. 264980.
If you wish to make a donation, and you are a tax payer, then completing a Gift Aid form can add 25% to your gift. Click to download a form.

The original parish hall (seen right) was built in 1928 as a Mens Club constructed from single skin blockwork, timber and some asbestos. By the turn of the millenium the hall had become the focal point for local events but its condition had deteriorated such that a new build was the only solution. After 13 years and much generosity and effort from parishoners and other local benefactors the new Parish Hall was constructed in 2013 and opened in November of that year. It is available to hire for wedding receptions, parties, meetings and so much more.

The new hall and its volunteer management group have also been awarded the Hallmark accreditation, Level 2. This nationally recognised scheme is administered by Devon Community Buildings and is assessed based on "peer visitors" from other community buildings management committees. Our Level 2 award covers Health, Safety, Security and Licensing and includes the Level 1 categories of Charity administration and management.